Senior Researcher

Microsoft Research Asia

Email: leichu (at) microsoft.com

Education and Work Experience

  • Researcher, Microsoft Research Asia, 2021-now.
  • Ph.D. in Computer Science, The University of Hong Kong (HKU), 2015.
  • B.Sc. in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Shandong University, 2010.
  • Research Interest

    Computer Vision, 3d Computer Vision, Computer Graphics

    Currently, I am looking for self-motivated interns who have a passion for video backbone design and corresponding downstream tasks. Please drop me an email with your CV if you are interested.


    Implicit Motion Function
    Yue Gao, Jiahao Li, Lei Chu, Yan Lu,
    IEEE CVPR 2024
    [pdf] [code]
    Hierarchical Intra-modal Correlation Learning for Label-free 3D Semantic Segmentation
    Xin Kang, Lei Chu, Jiahao Li, Xuejin Chen, Yan Lu,
    IEEE CVPR 2024
    [pdf] [code]
    Arbitrary-Scale Video Super-Resolution Guided by Dynamic Context
    Cong Huang, Jiahao Li, Lei Chu, Dong Liu, Yan Lu,
    [pdf] [code]
    Disentangle Propagation and Restoration for Efficient Video Recovery
    Cong Huang, Jiahao Li, Lei Chu, Dong Liu, Yan Lu,
    ACM International Conference on Multimedia'23
    [pdf] [code]
    VideoTrack: Learning to Track Objects via Video Transformer
    Fei Xie, Lei Chu, Jiahao Li, Yan Lu, and Chao Ma.
    IEEE CVPR 2023
    [pdf] [code]
    Self-Supervised Image Representation Learning with Geometric Set Consistency
    Nenglun Chen, Lei Chu, Hao Pan, Yan Lu, and Wenping Wang.
    IEEE CVPR 2022
    [pdf] [code]
    Unsupervised Shape Completion via Deep Prior in the Neural Tangent Kernel Perspective
    Lei Chu, Hao Pan, Wenping Wang.
    ACM Trans. Graph. 40, 3 (ToG 2021)
    [pdf] [code]
    Repairing Man-Made Meshes via Visual Driven Global Optimization with Minimum Intrusion
    Lei Chu, Hao Pan, Yang Liu, Wenping Wang.
    ACM Trans. Graph. 38, 6 (SIGGRAPH Asia 2019)
    [pdf] [code]
    Surface Fairing towards Regular Principal Curvature Line Networks
    Lei Chu, Pengbo Bo, Yang Liu, Wenping Wang.
    Computer Graphics Forum (Pacific Graphics 2019)
    Centroidal power diagrams with capacity constraints: computation, applications, and extension
    Shiqing Xin, Bruno Levy, Zhonggui Chen, Lei Chu, Yaohui Yu, Changhe Tu, Wenping Wang.
    ACM Trans. Graph. 35, 6 (SIGGRAPH Asia 2016)

    ©Lei Chu. Last update: Mar, 2024.